Museum Services

The Zoology Museum, with its valuable collection for taxonomic studies of Iran's fauna and the accessibility of related information and descriptions, has been able to address the taxonomic questions and needs of researchers and students in the life sciences. To enhance education and make the theoretical concepts of zoology and other life sciences tangible, the Zoology Museum offers numerous visits annually to various institutions, including schools, universities, scientific and research institutes, and research centers. It provides scientific information on the classification, morphological and biological description of Iranian species, as well as techniques for specimen preservation, taxidermy, fixation in chemical solutions, skeletonization, preparation of specimens in resin, insect pinning, and museum maintenance. Additionally, students from various fields such as photography, painting, industrial design, and other artistic disciplines use this diverse collection as a model and source of inspiration to create artworks and engage in biomimetic design by utilizing the characteristics of animal specimens. In essence, this is a university collection that provides visitors with knowledge in various fields of life sciences.

The reference museum, abbreviated as ZUTC, facilitates the needs of Iranian and foreign researchers by lending and exchanging archived scientific specimens and establishing scientific connections between them. By registering museum codes and preserving scientific specimens from other universities and scientific institutions in the country, it plays a significant role in the publication of articles with species bearing museum codes and in studying and comparing the fauna of different regions in Iran and abroad. In fact, the reference section of the zoology museum is responsible for the identification, description, and naming of new and questionable animal specimens by comparing them with reference museum specimens. Documenting and creating a database of collected biological specimens, preserving collected animal specimens in sealed glass containers with fixatives and secure shelves (related to environmental studies of Iran's fauna in research projects and theses), protecting and preserving valuable animal specimens, preparing identification labels for each animal specimen, and cataloging and organizing the scientific collection of animal specimens are among its important services.